Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday - September 17th

A wake up call was an hour earlier today at 6:00a.  After a hearty breakfast and Wisdom of the Elders, we broke into our groups and work assignments.
Groups 1 & 6 (Bob & Joyce), a young lady from Milwaukee and 5 boys from Elon University worked on tearing off two layers of shingles off the KILI radio station.  Needless to say, we sent the boys up on the roof and cleaned up everything they threw down.  We loaded it on the truck and then had to unload it at the dump.
We are learning about The Rez and meeting interesting people.  Karin worked in Manderson at a newly constructed strawbale house.  There she played in the straw and clay (mixing mud) which was used to cement the straw together.  The family owner is undertaking this project in hopes of helping others on The Rez to realize how the natural resources can be used.  The home is now ready for a green roof and the final touches.  For more info, log into the facebook page through www.earthtipi.org.
Greg, Terry and Sandy were located at a double wide trailer which needed skirting in preparation for winter.  After removing sections of temporary skirting, picking up glass and debris, and pulling weeds, we dug a small trench around the perimeter for the skirting frame and added 2x4's to complete our day's work.  All that remains is to install the insulation and T-111 (plywood).  This particular home has a new roof, new steps and had new windows, but a particularly strong windstorm has damaged all the windows.
A fourth group stayed at Remember constructing bunk bed platforms.  That's where we will be working on Tuesday.

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