Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday - September 19th

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go!
Today, following the Wisdom of the Elders which was on relationships, we departed in several different directions.  Greg and Terry delivered the 7 bunk beds plus mattresses, bedding, blankets and books to four families on The Rez.  Three families received 2 sets of bunk beds with the fourth family receiving one.  Terry was able to meet with each family and listen to their particular situation.  One family had returned to a grandmother's home which had been vandalized and evacuated.  The clean up process began with the kitchen, where new linoleum had been installed.  This is where the 3 kids slept.  they of course were delighted with their bed and all the extras.  Terry will have more stories and pictures to share upon our return.
Joyce & Bob, Karin and Sandy headed toward Porcupine to skirt an 80' x 20' trailer.  Trenches were dug, frames were made, insulation and siding installed.  It was a very windy day and we worked very hard to complete the entire project.
Tonight was crafters night.  There were 10 tables of paintings, drawings and jewelry from which to choose.  It was a very nice variety!
Our speaker tonight was Naomi Last Horse.  She is an elementary teacher (grades 1-8) of the Lakota language.  After a mini lesson of Lakota names for body parts, we engaged in a game of "Naomi Says".  We all stod with eyes closed and attempted to point to the part of our body upon hearing the Lakota word.  I am sorry to say that Trinity sat down rather quickly as did lots of others!  Naomi and her daughter then entertained us with several songs before answering our questions.
Thursday will be our touring day on The Rez and our last full day at Remember.

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